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780-809-1955 ext.1
5603 199 St
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Adult Wellness Questionnaire
Have you been hospitalized in the last year?
Osteoporosis Risk Assessment
Do you have any of these risk factors for osteoporosis? Select all that apply.
Low body weight (<127 lbs)
History of tobacco use/current tobacco use
Age 50 or above
History of alcohol use/current alcohol use
Low calcium diet
Personal history of fracture or broken bones
Family history of fracture or broken bones
HIV Risk Assessment
Do you have any of these risk factors for HIV? Select all that apply.
Current or prior history being treated for a sexually transmitted disease (STD).
Current or prior history of intravenous drug use.
Male with male sexual relations after 1975.
Unprotected sexual intercourse with multiple partners.
Have exchanged sex for money or drugs or have had a partner who does.
Have had a sexual partner who is HIV positive, bisexual or is an intravenous drug user.
Have received medical care in a setting which has a high risk or high prevalence of HIV.
Drug and Alcohol Use
What is your smoking history?
Never smoked cigarettes
Former cigarette smoker
Current cigarette smoker
What is your smokeless tobacco history?
Never used smokeless tobacco
Former smokeless tobacco user
Current smokeless tobacco user
What is your pipe/cigar smoking history?
Never used pipe/cigar
Former pipe/cigar user
Current pipe/cigar user
How would you describe your alcohol use?
Currently in recovery
Frequent use of alcohol
Binge drinking
Occasional use of alcohol
Never drinks alcohol
Diet and Physical Activity
How would you describe your current diet? Select all that apply.
Low fat
Low salt
Low carbohydrates
Limited junk food
Frequent junk food
How frequently do you excercise
Mood Screening
In the past several weeks, have you experienced difficulty in the following areas? Select all that apply.
Language use
Handling complex mental tasks
In the past two weeks, have you felt down, depressed, or hopeless?
In the past two weeks, have you felt little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Cognition Screening
In the past two weeks, have you felt any of these symptoms of anxiety? Select all that apply.
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
Excessive worrying
Sleep disturbances
Functional Ability/Safety
How would you describe your ability to hear? Select all that apply.
Both ears normal
Both ears slight decrease
Both ears significant decrease
Left ear normal
Left ear slight decrease
Left ear significant decrease
Right ear normal
Right ear slight decrease
Right ear significant decrease
Do you use hearing aids?
Due to health problems, do you feel you need the help of another person in any of the following activities of daily living? Select all that apply.
Getting out of bed or chair
How much help do you need with indicated activities of daily living?
I do not need any help with the above activities
I need some help with the above activities
I require help with the above activities
Due to health problems, do you feel you need the help of another person in any of the following instrumental activities of daily living? Select all that apply.
Using the phone
Preparing meals
Doing housework
Doing laundry
Managing medications
Managing money
How much help do you need with indicated instrumental activities of daily living?
I do not need any help with the above activities
I need some help with the above activities
I require help with the above activities
In the past several weeks, has your physical and emotional health limited your social activities with family, friends, neighbors, or groups?
Not at all
Extremely, I no longer participate in social activities
In the past several weeks, has your physical and emotional health limited your ability to drive?
Not at all
Extremely, I no longer drive
Fall history
No falls in past year
One fall without injury in past year
Two or more falls in past year
Any fall with injury in past year
Does your home have any of these safety risk factors? Select all that apply.
Uneven floors
Loose rugs
Poor lighting
No stair handrails
Household clutter
Unfamiliar surroundings
Advanced Directive
Have you completed any of the following Advanced Directives? Select all that apply.
Advanced Directives on File
Would you like the opportunity to discuss your end of life decisions or Advanced Directives with your provider?
Additional Medical Providers & Medical Suppliers
Please list any additional medical providers that you currently see:
Audiologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Dermatologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Diabetes Educator
Leave blank if not applicable
Leave blank if not applicable
Gastroenterologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Gynecologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Hematologist/Oncologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Internist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Nephrologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Neurologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Nutritionist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Ophthalmologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Optometrist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Orthopedist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Otolaryngologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Otolaryngologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Pain Management Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Physical Therapist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Podiatrist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Primary Care Provider Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Psychiatrist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Pulmonologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Psychiatrist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Rheumatologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Social Worker Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Surgery Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Urologist Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Visiting Nurse Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Other Provider Name
Leave blank if not applicable
Contact Information
** Please provide your full legal name as it appears on your driver’s license and you Alberta Health Care number.
First name
Last name
Alberta Health Care #
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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780-809-1955 ext.1
5603 199 St